Somatics for Rope Bottoms
The Book

The professional background and practical experience in both somatics and rope bondage give the author a unique interdisciplinary perspective into the life of the body bound by rope. The book consists of 12 essays – Somatic Inquiries – inspiring the readers to look for the answers in their own body and re-claim their agency for the most important decisions that come up when we decide to explore kink:
- Why do we seek the experience of being tied?
- Where do our desires come from and how can we honor them?
- Where does our attention go when we are in ropes?
- What can we do to let our partner know how we feel, without speaking up?
- What are the ways we can use breathing to create a better experience in ropes?
- What is the source of our resilience in ropes?
- Where are our limits and whose responsibility is it to recognize them?
- Why do we want to surrender and what allows us to do so?
- What makes us feel safe in rope bondage?
- Which pain can we welcome and when do we decide to stop?
- Why rope bondage can be the place to embrace all of our emotions, even the difficult ones?
- Which risk can we take, and where to stop exploring?
Book Excerpt
Click here to download a PDF excerpt of Somatics for Rope Bottoms, by Natasha NawaTaNeko.

In rope bondage, what we rope bottoms bring into play is our body, our emotions, our psyche, and souls. In fact, our whole being in its entirety is known as the Greek word “soma.” We allow ourselves to be affected on many levels, exposed to playing with our emotions, enduring physical discomfort, and open to mental challenges.
What is truly remarkable about our soma is its unlimited capacity to adapt and learn. Soma is endlessly creative, always undergoing that endless cycle of life, and of change; leaving behind the familiar terrain and entering into the unknown
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